Dental Fractures Can Vary in Severity and Require Treatment

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Your teeth are intended to be strong enough to handle the basic act of efficiently chewing and breaking down food before swallowing. If you have a bad habit of nibbling on foreign items, improvising your teeth as tools, or biting your nails, you could exceed the strength of your tooth enamel causing a dental fracture.

The severity of the damage to the tooth will determine the treatment method that Dr. David Solomon recommends. Even if the fractured tooth doesn’t cause any immediate pain or sensitivity, you should still have it repaired before tooth decay can affect it.

Chips and minor dental fractures can sometimes be treated by having Dr. David Solomon apply a standard amalgam or composite dental filling. If the fracture is large but the interior of the tooth is unaffected, Dr. David Solomon might recommend replacing the tooth enamel layer with a dental crown.

If some of the interior structures of the tooth have been traumatized, Dr. David Solomon might recommend treating the tooth with a root canal. Once this has been completed, he can fit the tooth for a dental crown.

If you live in the Melrose, Massachusetts, area and you have recently suffered a dental fracture, you should call 781-665-5222 to seek treatment at Solomon & Wright Associates, P.C..